Tech Talk
Your Sales Team Needs More Leads
Technical Marketing is a Lead Generating Machine
Generate More Leads Increase Sales Effectiveness Win Your Ideal Customers
TECHTALK MARKETING offers strategic, data-driven technical marketing services. We specialize in helping technology product companies and engineering firms boost lead generation and close more sales with ideal clients.
Each Service is a Key Part of the Lead Machine
Each creates leads and supercharges the other parts
Reach Your Goals with Technical Marketing
Much more than just building a website or ordering logo shirts, TECHNICAL MARKETING is like the targeting and guidance system for sales. It transforms your business by attracting customers that are the best match for your offering. Ideal customers are typically more satisfied, and lead to repeat/referral business and higher profitability.
How the Lead Machine Works

Stay Focused On Cool Technology – We’ll Do Your Marketing
Technology Background
Unique among marketing firms, we have education and experience in both marketing and technology. This allows us to ramp up quickly – saving you time – and strategize with you on new opportunities.
Proprietary Methods
Take advantage of our proprietary methods developed specifically for firms like yours over 30 years of experience. These methods provide a step-by-step process for winning more of your ideal clients.
Concrete Deliverables
Experience with marketing services is not necessary to work with us successfully. We use a familiar process – development of a project plan with requirements, deliverables, schedule, and budget.